
All Stardew Valley Marriage Rooms

For wedlock betwixt players in a Multiplayer game, see Multiplayer and Wedding Ring.

Wedding ceremony with Abigail

In singleplayer mode, Marriage is possible but with a villager who is marked every bit "unmarried" in the Social tab.

Before proposing marriage, the thespian needs to earn x hearts of friendship with their intended partner, which requires them to have first given a boutonniere at eight hearts of friendship. They will also demand to upgrade the farmhouse at least once and have admission to the Tide Pool expanse of The Beach. The lost book Marriage Guide for Farmers besides explains this process.

Marriage Candidates




Romance can only brainstorm once you have reached 8 hearts with a potential partner (where friendship levels freeze for marriage candidates).


The morning later on you first reach 8 hearts with a spousal relationship candidate, Pierre will mail yous a message to permit you know near the bouquet ( Gold.png200g at Pierre'due south General Store):

" "It seems similar yous're starting to get shut with some of the townspeople. If you want to prove someone that you're romantically interested, y'all've got to give them one of my beautiful flower bouquets. I'thou selling them now, for a very fair price! If you desire to first a family anytime, this is the outset step!"
— Pierre

Giving the boutonniere unfreezes the friendship level with that bachelor or bachelorette, allowing friendship to advance. Upon accepting the bouquet, their Social tab status as well changes to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". The boutonniere tin can be given to multiple candidates, without regard to gender. There is no friendship punishment for giving bouquets to dating rivals, though there is a Group Heart effect that may cause all daughter/boyfriends to give you lot the "cold shoulder" for a week.

Breaking Upwards

Giving a matrimony candidate a Wilted Bouquet ends the dating relationship. The wedlock candidate'due south friendship level volition immediately drib to 5 hearts upon receiving one, and volition have unique reactions to receiving it.

Proposing Spousal relationship

The 24-hour interval after reaching 10 friendship hearts with a marriage candidate, the player receives a letter from Mayor Lewis:

" "I'm going to give you this communication because I like you lot and I want you to stay in Pelican Boondocks. If there comes a day that you desire to ask for someone's hand in marriage, you'll need to give them a 'Mermaid's Pendant'. Don't worry, everyone in Pelican Town understands the significance of the amulet. Information technology's an ancient tradition in this region. Proficient luck!"
— Lewis

To become engaged, the player must present a Mermaid's Pendant to their intended partner. They will need to buy it for Gold.pngfive,000g from the Old Mariner, who can exist found on rainy days at the tidal pools on the beach (which can only be reached either by repairing the span for 300 forest or past purchasing the second community upgrade from Robin). During Winter, he volition simply appear if a Rain Totem is used. He volition not sell the pendant unless the farmhouse has been upgraded at least in one case, the player is at 10 hearts with an eligible villager, and the player is non already married.

After the Mermaid'due south Pendant is accepted, the Calendar volition take a Mermaid's Pendant icon on the nuptials day.

The Wedding

The conditions icon is replaced with a eye on the wedding ceremony twenty-four hour period.

The nuptials ceremony takes place in the morning, 3 days after you propose. That is, if you propose on Monday the 1st, the marriage cutscene will take place equally before long every bit you wake upward on Th the 4th. When the anniversary is completed, y'all and your spouse appear at the farmhouse at 6am (on the porch, or if you lot accept restarted or reloaded the game day, inside the house). The day then proceeds as it normally does when yous are married. Friendship with your spouse tin now rise to 14 hearts, simply decays past 20 points per twenty-four hour period whenever there is no contact between you two.

The hymeneals ceremony does not have place on a twenty-four hour period that some other event takes place in the town square. In such cases, the wedding is delayed until there is a 24-hour interval without such an event.

On the twenty-four hours of the wedding, the atmospheric condition icon that appears betwixt the date and time is replaced with a heart. The weather will besides always be sunny on that day regardless of the Conditions Written report's forecast the day before.

Married Life

Once a villager has been married, they will move into the farmhouse. They will have a maximum of fourteen hearts instead of ten, and keeping them happy volition result in them helping around the subcontract. A happy spouse might brand breakfast, feed animals, repair fences or water crops. They occasionally change the wallpaper or flooring of the Farmhouse, or add a piece of furniture to a room. Interacting with your spouse when no dialogue is available will outcome in an embrace.

Spouse relationship meter.png

Information technology is also possible to accept children nether certain circumstances.

Once married, the gifting limit of twice a week is removed; however, the once a mean solar day limit nevertheless applies.

Spouse Chores

  • Watering all crops on the farm (in spring, summer, and autumn).
  • Feeding all animals.
  • Watering the dog/true cat basin.
  • Repairing cleaved fences.
  • Giving gifts, including breakfast and dinner dishes. (If inventory is full, the particular will not be received.)


Afterward reaching 12.5 Hearts (3125 friendship points) with your spouse, the player can receive a Stardrop equally a token of their love. In multiplayer games where two players marry each other, the Stardrop appears as a nowadays in a small purple box adjacent to each player's bed upon waking up in the forenoon.

Only ane Stardrop tin be obtained in this style per save file, or once per player in Multiplayer.

Spouse Rooms

In one case married, the player's spouse volition immediately ready up a unique room inside the Farmhouse, located to the correct of the bedroom. Note that Emily'due south parrot volition non exist visible to anyone in multiplayer who has not completed her 4 center effect.

Spouse Outside Area

In addition to their room inside the house, each spouse has a unique area behind the farmhouse.


Kissing your spouse will remove exhaustion from your free energy bar. This works only with the first kiss of the day, when a centre appears over your heads.

Messy House

If an object is obstructing the path your spouse takes in the farmhouse, they will say, "You could accept cleaned up in hither a little while I was gone... Information technology's not very nice to have to wade through a bunch of junk later on a hard day's piece of work."

If your spouse cannot attain the kitchen, they will say, "Y'all've got a bunch of your stuff blocking the kitchen... I guess you're not getting dinner tonight."

If at that place are monsters inside, such as slimes, your spouse volition ask, "Um... Honey? Why are there monsters in the house?"

If there was no bed in the firm the prior evening, your spouse will annotate on their lack of slumber.

  • "Where am I supposed to sleep...?"
  • "I wasn't able to slumber well final night..."
  • "I had to sleep on the floor last night..."
  • "Did something happen to our bed...?"

They will besides plough with an annoyed expression when you attempt to osculation them.


If you give a gift that is non hated to one of the other matrimony candidates when you are already married, there is a chance that your spouse will become jealous. This only happens if the villager receiving the gift has already accepted a bouquet from you, and is of the same gender as your spouse - i.e., if you married a bachelor, it only happens if you give a souvenir to some other bachelor. It doesn't matter if the gift is liked or non, the only gift that is safe to requite is a altogether gift. (Note that delivery quests do not count every bit gifts.) The take chances that your spouse becomes jealous is betwixt xx and 40%, depending on daily luck. If your spouse becomes jealous, you get a 30 friendship betoken penalty, and the next time y'all speak to your spouse they will give an aroused message mentioning your gift.[1]


Main article: Children

You tin can have children only if y'all have upgraded the Farmhouse for the second fourth dimension, calculation the nursery. After you lot get to bed for the night, your spouse might randomly ask if you lot want to have/adopt a child. Yous can answer "yes" or "not at present." Same-gender couples will adopt children, and reverse-gender couples will have biological children.


Players tin visit the Mayor's Estate where a pocket-size book inside will give them the option to divorce their spouse. A divorce costs Gold.png50,000g. After filing for divorce, players have the choice to cancel before the end of the twenty-four hours (until 10pm when Lewis' house closes). If they don't cancel, their spouse, spouse's room, and unique outside area will be gone the next morning, and their friendship level volition return to 0 hearts. Under their name information technology volition country "(ex)".

Subsequently the divorce, the spouse will motility back to their old residence, and will have negative interactions with the player, citing the failure of their marriage. They will also not accept whatsoever gifts from them. (Annotation that the player tin all the same enter the ex-spouse's bedroom or home, as if the player had ii friendship hearts with the ex-spouse.) Whatsoever children from the spousal relationship will stay at the farmhouse. Any items the player had placed in the ex'south room will be collected and placed in a chest the day after the divorce. Divorced spouses neither attend the player'southward wedding nor care for them usually during Festivals.

Players can visit the Witch'due south Hut in late game where they'll observe a shrine which tin can erase all ex-spouses' memories for an offering of Gold.png30,000g (this will too wipe Krobus' memory if he is an ex-roommate). Afterward, all ex-spouses will accept no memory of the previous marriage, allowing players to engagement and remarry them if they choose. Note that if the player decides to remarry they will not run across the available/bachelorette's previously seen middle events, every bit the heart events tin can simply be seen once per save file, or in one case per player in Multiplayer.

Children from union tin can also be 'turned into doves' at the Witch's Hut in exchange for a Prismatic Shard. This permanently removes those children from the game, but farther children tin exist had with another partner. (Note that if a divorce is filed and and so canceled on the same day, more children can be had with the aforementioned partner.)

If the player is expecting a child and gets a divorce, the child will not be born/delivered.


  • Occasionally a spouse's eye meter volition drib overnight past approximately ii hearts for reasons that are completely unknown.
  • A divorced spouse may brand a "Assist Wanted" request. When fulfilling the quest, the spouse will limited gratitude before going back to angry/injure dialogue. Fulfilling a quest for an ex-spouse does not grant whatever friendship points with the ex-spouse.
  • If the game is airtight without saving during the wedding cutscene, the cutscene will not play after loading the save again. The farmer will wake upwardly with the spouse already in the player's farmhouse.
  • A spouse may react as if they cannot reach the kitchen when zip is blocking the kitchen.
  • If a torch is placed where a spouse stands on the porch afterwards performing a farm task in the morning, it will be dropped on the floor when the farmer exits the farmhouse.
  • If the player completes all bundles in a room in the Community Center the day before getting married, the Junimos' overnight cutscene will be skipped.


  1. See NPC::tryToReceiveActiveObject() in the game code


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • ane.1: Added Shane and Emily as marriage candidates. Added divorce pick. Added different outside areas for each spouse.
  • 1.3.27: The Dwarf attends weddings for players who have reached the lesser of The Mines.
  • 1.iv: Divorced spouses no longer nourish weddings or care for their exes normally during festivals. Changed jealousy of player's spouse to merely employ to marriage candidates who accept received a bouquet and doesn't include hated gifts. Increased spouses' eye meter from 12 to 14. Removed bug that allowed multiple bouquets to be given to raise friendship.
  • 1.iv.4: Items placed in divorced spouses' rooms are now collected in a chest, instead of dropped like monster boodle.
  • one.5.6: The role player's character wears their chosen outfit at the marriage ceremony. This was inverse in an unknown previous version to a white dress or blackness arrange.

All Stardew Valley Marriage Rooms,


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